NFT-museum of war launched in Ukraine

26 March 2022, 15:59 | Art
photo Зеркало недели
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An NFT-museum of war appeared in Ukraine, which combines blockchain technology, art and fixing historical facts. The museum aims to tell the whole world about the war crimes of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mikhail Federov.

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All works of the museum are presented in digital form as NFT-tokens, anyone can buy them.

The money from the sale of the collection will be transferred to the official Ethereum wallet of the Ministry of Digital Development for the humanitarian needs of Ukrainians.

The first part of the collection consists of works by Ukrainian artists, and the next editions will include works by artists from around the world, selected by designers and artists, including Stefan Sagmeister, David Carson, Daniel Ashram.

The museum is available via this link..

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