The court refused to reinstate Roman Polanski as part of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts

29 August 2020, 21:07 | Art
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Film director Roman Polanski's motion to reinstate him in the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts on Tuesday, August 25, was rejected by the Los Angeles County Supreme Court (California). Reported by Variety magazine.

Polanski, in a 2019 petition, asked the court to force the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts to restore his membership.

“The Academy acted biasedly, abusing the opportunity to keep everything secret, and also failed to act as required by law. The decision of the academy to exclude is not based on information received, and the information of the academy is not based on evidence, ”the petition said..

Judge Mary Strobel agreed the academy could have warned the director ahead of time to vote on his expulsion. At the same time, she came to the conclusion that the academy had every reason to expel Polanski from its ranks and weighed this possibility carefully and objectively..

" In her opinion, the decision of the academy was not the result of "

Harland Brown's lawyer, representing Polanski's interests, said he did not want to challenge the judge's verdict. According to the lawyer, membership in the academy ultimately "

The Board of Governors of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts met on May 1, 2018 and voted to exclude Polanski and actor Bill Cosby from its membership in accordance with the organization's rules of conduct. The wording indicates that the actor and director have left the Academy for good..

In February, French Culture Minister Frank Riester expressed the opinion that giving Roman Polanski the Cesar Prize for Best Director would be a "

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