Ennio Morricone buried in the southern suburbs of Rome

08 July 2020, 04:48 | Art
photo glavnoe.ua
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The outstanding Italian composer Ennio Morricone was buried today in the cemetery of Laurentino in the southern suburbs of Rome.

Morricone died at the 92nd year of life on Monday night in one of the Roman clinics, where he was some time after a hip fracture. Sensing the approach of death, in the hospital the maestro decided to write his obituary himself.

On Monday, the friend and lawyer of the famous musician Giorgio Assumma read this document to reporters.. "

According to the will of the deceased, the funeral took place in the narrowest circle: they were attended only by the widow of the composer Maria, his children and grandchildren, as well as the lawyer of Assumm. On the last journey, Morricone was led to the music he wrote for the film "

The composer was temporarily buried next to one of his relatives.

Later, the family tomb of Morricone is supposed to be erected at the Laurentino cemetery..

On the eve of Morricone created an obituary about himself. Lawyer and his family friend Giorgio Assumma shared the text with reporters.

" I announce this to all friends who have always been by my side.; but also those who are a bit far, I greet with great love, "

In it, Morricone explains the desire to hold a funeral in private: " To his wife Maria, in the end, he again expresses "

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