Chinese people watch Ukrainian cinema

26 December 2017, 00:32 | Art
photo УРА-Информ
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As noted, negotiations on the acquisition of rights began in November at the American Film Market. In particular, on one of the largest markets of full-length content in the world.

According to the international sales manager FILM. UA Distribution, Evgenia Dracheva, the Chinese viewer will see the Ukrainian product both on large screens and on key VOD platforms of the territory.

By the way, the first Ukrainian fantasy broke record rental in the first weekend and collected 8.1 million UAH. Therefore, it is not surprising that India, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus, South Korea and Kyrgyzstan also acquired the rights to the film "Watchtower"..

Every year the Ukrainian film industry is reaching a new level, and this can not but rejoice the connoisseurs of Russian cinematography. It should be noted that in the budget of Ukraine for 2018g.

laid more than 1 billion hryvnia for the development of Ukrainian cinema.

Also, viewers of China will be able to evaluate other Ukrainian video works, - the famous TV series "sniffers" and the cartoon "Nikita Kozhemyaka".

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform," the main characters of the first Ukrainian film fantasy "The Watchtower" will appear on postage stamps with a circulation of 130 thousand. copies. It is known that the postage stamp will feature heroes of the film Oleshko, Ilya and Dobrynya.

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