Presentation of the novel "Freedom" by the Azerbaijani writer Afag Masud was held in Kiev

19 November 2017, 17:23 | Art
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According to Oxu. Az, the publishing house of the book - the international project of the Kiev organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine (KO NSPU). The project was initiated by the writer, literary critic, head of the Kiev organization of the NPSU Vladimir Danilenko. Project Manager - Marina Goncharuk. The author of the novel Afag Masud came to Baku from the presentation.

According to Vladimir Danilenko, the Ukrainian edition includes the novel "Freedom", the leitmotif of which is the opinion that a person is doomed without inner freedom, and stories telling about the life and way of life of Azerbaijanis. "Creativity Afag first introduced in Ukrainian. In his works, Afag Masud reveals the complexes of man, in which the eastern and Soviet customs closely intertwined. The author refers to such topics as the lack of love, the loss of family ties, the reality and spirituality of society, "- said Vladimir Danilenko.

The presentation began with the performance of the finalist of the show "The Voice of the Country" by Sergei Tomashevsky. He performed a song in the Azerbaijani language "Gel ey seher".

The opening speech was addressed by the head of the United Diaspora of Azerbaijanis of Ukraine Hikmet Javadov. "As soon as I saw the book, I was intrigued by its name -" Freedom ". After all, freedom is what unites the Ukrainian and Azerbaijani peoples. This is what they fight for every day: Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, and Ukraine - in the east of the country. I am sure that the Ukrainian readers will be interested in the book, since the name itself says that the novel touches on the almost sacred concept of freedom for Ukrainians, "said Hikmet Javadov. Also, according to him, ODAU will continue to support projects that popularize Azerbaijani culture in the native language for Ukrainians.

There was also a conversation with Afag Masud, in which she told not only about her novel and the way it is perceived in Azerbaijan, but also answered questions about contemporary Azerbaijani society, the influence of Islam, traditions, innovations on it.

"I'm very interested in how the Ukrainian audience will perceive my work, because in Azerbaijan the novel caused a lot of discussion after publication. If we talk about the influence of Islam in Azerbaijani society, we have a secular state, and no imperative opinion does not exist - there are girls who wear the hijab, there are those who do not. And regarding the problems of the Azerbaijani society, today, unfortunately, the main problem is Nagorno-Karabakh ... ", said Afag Masud.

According to the writer, her novels are translated into different languages ??and published in many countries of the world, but the Ukrainian audience won her sincerity and sincerity.

A number of orientalists and experts of Ukrainian-Azerbaijani relations addressed the guests of the event. In particular, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Turkic Studies at the Institute of Philology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Ukraine Zamina Aliyeva, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Slavic Linguistics of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Farhad Turanli, Head of the Union of Azerbaijani Youth in Ukraine Ilgama Allahverdiyeva , Professor of the Department of International Law of the National Aviation University of Ukraine, Doctor of Law Arif Guliyev.

Yaroslav Vereshchak, famous Ukrainian playwright, Honored Artist of Ukraine, representative of the Center Les Kurbas said that the Theater of Vladimir Zavalniuk "Peretvorennya" is working on staging the play based on the stories of Afag Masud, united in a single play "The Death of the General".

"Presentation of the book" Freedom "Afag Masud is a landmark event, testifying to the development of Ukrainian-Azerbaijani literary relations. The theme of freedom is relevant for the Azerbaijani and Ukrainian peoples struggling to affirm freedom and state independence, to restore the territorial integrity of their countries.

And I am very glad that ODAU headed by its head Hikmet Javadov actively supports such international projects of the Kiev organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, "said Dr. Farhad Turanyli.

The event was attended by representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Ukraine.

The presentation was held with the support of the United Diaspora of Azerbaijanis of Ukraine and the League of Azerbaijanians of the Dnipropetrovs'k.

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