Three components of sex appeal

05 April 2018, 16:20 | Artistic and Culture
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In the appearance of a person, his inner mood always manifests, his feelings, positive or negative. An open smiling face will make a more pleasant impression on others. Outgoing optimism and cheerfulness, you increase your chances of becoming happy. Because no one will want to get acquainted and communicate with a man who is frowning and dissatisfied with everything.

Let and not always, but try to maintain a benevolent mood. Rejoice in every little thing, notice the beauty in everything and life will shine with bright colors. Enjoy food, good weather, pleasant conversation, let it become your habit. Positive attitude is the first component of sex appeal.


To be eye-popping, you do not have to look like a top model. It is enough to be natural and feminine. Often it is some kind of imperfection that is a highlight in the female image. Do not try to be attractive in the eyes of all, it is important to find and embody an image that you like and fits. Wearing is not something that is fashionable and expensive, but what emphasizes your style, personality. In this dress you should feel comfortable and free.

Do you like your hairstyle? And the hair color? Does makeup match your skin type? If you answered "yes" to these questions, then you are already attractive and desirable.

The second component of sex appeal is attractiveness due to accents on the winning features of one's appearance.

Language of the body.

With the help of gestures, facial expressions, posture, we express our inner world.

Think of pleasant moments, of things for which pride is felt, and listen to the body at this moment. Your posture will change, you will start to move differently, since you will begin to radiate confidence. Smile and hold your head high, look at others kindly, be energetic and affable. The third part of female sex appeal is the body language: movements, smile, look and t.

With the help of this language, you pass on your positive thinking and the ability to enjoy life.

All these components are very closely intertwined, and the slightest change in one of them has an effect on the other.

All people have sex appeal, but not all have discovered it in themselves or are afraid to give it a will. The search for the golden mean between mood, behavior and appearance reflects the essence of the above.

Enjoy the feeling of attractiveness and be desired!.

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