The British Parliament recognized the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people

26 May 2023, 00:41 | Policy
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On Thursday, May 25, the British Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.. The corresponding decision was taken by the House of Commons in London unanimously.. This was announced on Twitter by the head of the British Foreign Affairs Committee, Alicia Kearns..

“Today, the British Parliament rightly decided to recognize the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as genocide.. We hope that this will help to remember and honor the memory of millions of Ukrainians who died of hunger.. We stand for our friends in Ukraine,” she stressed..

It is all British Parliamentary law to clearly resolve the decision to recognize the Cold War of 1932-1933 as genocide. We want to have a little walk and talk about the millions of Ukrainians who were spewed to death. We stand with our friends in Ukraine.

— Alicia Kearns MP (@aliciakearns) May 25, 2023.

The author of the resolution, conservative Pauline Lethem, called this decision a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin and drew analogies with the war he unleashed against Ukraine..

“The Soviet Union killed millions of Ukrainians with a policy of forced starvation and forced migration. And this is reminiscent of what is happening now in Ukraine. Like Stalin in the 1930s, Putin’s goal today is to destroy the Ukrainian nation and the concept of Ukrainian identity,” Letem said..

Last week, the French Senate and the Slovenian Parliament approved the resolution recognizing the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a genocide of the Ukrainian people..

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