The G7 summit was the first in history in which the President of Ukraine took personal part

22 May 2023, 17:52 | Policy
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The G7+ summit, held on May 19–21 in Hiroshima, was the first in history in which the President of Ukraine personally took part.. Volodymyr Zelenskyy flew to Hiroshima on the day of his fourth anniversary in office. According to the head of state, up to this point he has taken part in six G7 summits online, this one was the seventh and the first "

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The personal participation of the head of the Ukrainian state in the summit has become the world's number one topic.


Volodymyr Zelenskyy held more than a dozen bilateral meetings with world leaders, including for the first time with Indian Prime Minister Modi.

The program also included participation in two sessions - in a narrow and expanded format, laying flowers at the memorial to the victims of the atomic bombing and, finally, an address to the Japanese people followed by a press conference.

During the final press conference, the President of Ukraine was asked if he was disappointed that during the summit there was no bilateral meeting with Brazilian President Lula. Volodymyr Zelenskyy joked that the President of Brazil should be disappointed.

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During the G7 summit, Volodmir Zelensky held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Italian Prime Minister George Maloney, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of the European Council Charles Michel.

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