Biden says he expects a quick 'thaw' in relations with China

22 May 2023, 07:21 | Policy
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US President Joe Biden said he expects a "

At a press conference following the three-day summit, Biden said talks between the two countries collapsed after a "

" I think you will see how it starts to thaw in the very near future,"

Biden added that his administration is considering lifting sanctions against Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu..

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officials have previously said privately that the administration will not lift sanctions that were imposed on Li over China importing fighter jets and missiles from Russia..

Biden reiterated at a press conference that the US is committed to the "

However, he added: " And there is a clear understanding among most of our allies that if China uses force, there will be a response,” without specifying whether it will be a military response.. He has previously said four times that he will order the US military to intervene if China takes unprovoked military action against Taiwan..

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