Closing the register of corrupt officials is a deliberate sabotage - "

20 May 2023, 01:44 | Policy
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Lack of transparency and open data may negatively affect the attraction of investments for the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war. According to the data that the Honest movement suggests, last year Ukraine lost about 36 billion hryvnias, and daily losses amount to 90 million hryvnias due to the closure of data..

The movement honestly draws attention, in particular, to the lack of maps of people's deputies on the website of the Rada, where there was information about their work, just as deputies do not declare their income, and parties do not report on the funds spent. Closing the register of corrupt officials is called sabotage by activists.

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" I do not understand how this data can be useful to the aggressor. But I understand exactly how devastating the closure of this information can be for the citizens of Ukraine.. New personnel will be involved in the recovery processes, and it is important that these personnel do not have a corruption background,"

For more information on how the closure of registries affects the work of business, media and civil defense, read the article by Sergey Milman "

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