How many deputies do not vote in the Verkhovna Rada, despite the formal presence: HONEST conducted a study

18 May 2023, 00:41 | Policy
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The majority of people's deputies who do not participate in voting are representatives of the Platform for Life and Peace (former OPPL) and For the Future groups. PZZHM has 45% of such people, and their “colleagues” in absenteeism have 44%. Such data was published by the HONEST Movement, after analyzing the voting of parliamentarians from the beginning of 2022 to May 2023.

Least of all " And European Solidarity and Dovira do not have a single deputy whose percentage of non-participation in voting was more than 30% during this time.

In addition to truant meetings, there are those in the Ukrainian parliament who “evaporate” during the voting: their cards are in the slots, but the deputies do not participate in the voting.

It was precisely because of such politicians that the consideration of the issue of decolonization of toponymic names almost failed..

Despite the fact that during the calendar month, the elected representatives spend only a few days under the dome, dozens of deputies imitate their presence in the hall.

“This situation in the parliament during martial law forces us to raise a serious question about the quality of the work of people’s deputies from the Batkivshchyna, EU and Holos factions, as well as the For the Future deputy group,” Chestno noted..

The most proper implementation by the deputies of these political forces of their own would ensure the independence of important legislative initiatives from the votes of the elected representatives who entered the parliament from the banned OPPL party.

Earlier, Rukh HONESTLY already wrote that the practice of non-participation in voting is quite common among people's deputies and deputies of city councils. Often decisions not to participate in a particular vote are made at meetings of factions on the eve of plenary meetings, but sometimes they can arise spontaneously.

HONESTLY reminds elected representatives of all levels that it is the duty of a deputy to vote “for”, “against”, or “abstained”, and the regulations of neither the Supreme nor local councils provide for the option “did not vote”.

Earlier, the public movement CHESTNO recorded cases when on the websites of committees of the Verkhovna Rada, messages about events were published retroactively or at the wrong time..

A year ago, it was reported that a quarter of deputies regularly attend meetings.

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