Fukuyama: It is unprofitable to win back Crimea - it is better for them to blackmail

17 May 2023, 10:21 | Policy
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It may be more profitable for Ukraine to blackmail Russia with Crimea than to win it back, says political economist, philosopher, professor at Stanford University Francis Fukuyama. This is what he writes in a column for American Purpose..

According to Fukuyama, NATO should accept Ukraine into the alliance as soon as possible, since only this can quickly end the war.. In other cases, the RF uses any pause to accumulate strength and strike again.. The philosopher believes that the new memorandums on security guarantees will have the same weight as the Budapest.

[see_also ids\u003d" If the Armed Forces manage to return the southern regions, then the current position of the allies and Moscow may change dramatically.

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Fukuyama says this is important for three reasons:.

firstly, the ports of Ukraine in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and the agriculturally valuable lands of the Azov and Kherson regions are very important for the economic development of Ukraine;

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secondly, many patriotic Ukrainians remain in these regions? more than those that the Russians occupied before. The sooner Ukraine wins back these lands, the less suffering the inhabitants of these regions experience.;

thirdly, the reconquest of the south of Kherson will block the land corridor to the Crimea for the Russians and create the prerequisites for the liberation of the peninsula.

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Fukuyama is confident that when Putin is faced with the choice of withdrawing from Crimea or agreeing to Ukraine's membership in NATO, he will choose the second option, because the first will mean a political defeat that will probably be fatal for him..

" But the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to bomb local military bases, destroy the Kerch bridge and cut off water supply through the North Crimean Canal. Holding Crimea hostage could be much more effective for Ukraine than releasing it.\? thinks the philosopher.

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