War in Ukraine makes Putin unable to finance his influence in other countries - ISW

13 December 2022, 09:04 | Policy
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The war in Ukraine is costing the Kremlin more and more. Consequently, Russia is not able to finance its influence and presence in other countries of the world.. In fact, Ukraine has become a priority for Vladimir Putin. This is stated in the report of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) for December 12.

ISW, in particular, refers to British intelligence information that Russia's defense spending has increased significantly and will amount to more than 30% of the budget for 2023..

“The cost of the Russian war in Ukraine is likely to continue to undermine the geopolitical campaigns of Russian President Vladimir Putin. - says the ISW report. – So Putin continues to spend his budget on the war in Ukraine and he may have to stop funding other international or domestic campaigns in the process. ISW has long assessed that Russian forces are moving equipment and personnel from other conflict zones such as Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh and may deprioritize other hostilities and soft power in favor of a protracted war in Ukraine.”.

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At the same time, Putin, according to experts, is still not ready to sacrifice his geopolitical initiatives in the short term.. Therefore, he risks facing financial difficulties in which he will not be able to balance the maximalist goals in Ukraine with global campaigns to spread his influence in the world..

Analysts drew attention to Putin's unsuccessful attempt to restore Russia's position in Central Asia by proposing a tripartite alliance between Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

“Putin’s ongoing spending on regional soft power initiatives has already upset several well-known pro-war [blink title\u003d" Millbloggers added that the Kremlin is not effectively using its soft power in Tajikistan, which further questions the need for such spending,” the report says..

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Recall that Putin compares himself with Peter I and no longer hides the fact that the “special operation” is indeed a war of conquest.. He is preparing the Russians for a long confrontation.

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