The ROC voiced the first reaction to the decision of the UOC-MP Council on independence

28 May 2022, 08:47 | Policy
photo Зеркало недели
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Against the backdrop of yesterday's decision of the UOC-MP on independence and independence from Moscow and the condemnation of Patriarch Kirill, the ROC published its first reaction, based on reports of a break with the press. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church decided not to give any official explanations, the Patriarchy.


“Since the Russian Orthodox Church has not received any appeals from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, we cannot respond to information that we receive from the press and the Internet,” said Volodymyr Legoyda, head of the Synodal Department for Relations of this Church with Society and the Media.

“We pray for the preservation of the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church. We pray for a speedy peace and an end to the bloodshed,” Legoyda added..

Against the backdrop of the Kremlin’s armed aggression against Ukraine, in the church closely associated with the Russian special services, “they are praying for the preservation of the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and an end to bloodshed,” Legoyda specified..

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