The Cabinet of Ministers amended the rules for crossing the state border for men

26 May 2022, 00:27 | Policy
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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine amended the rules for crossing the state border for men of military age. The corresponding order is published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The list of those who are allowed to cross the border includes:.

Drivers transporting medical supplies, humanitarian aid for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the population of Ukraine.


Railway workers;

Athletes and coaches participating in or preparing for international competitions;

For these categories, the following deadlines for stay outside the territory of Ukraine are established:.

Drivers and athletes - 30 days.

Truckers - 45 days.

Railway workers - 6 months.

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Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to extend benefits and guarantees not only to volunteers, those who were injured or disabled as a result of the war, but also to family members of the fallen defenders.. The right of Teroborona representatives to receive the status of a participant in hostilities (UBD) was also recognized.. And yet - such a category of persons as the families of the deceased (deceased) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine has been introduced.

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