Kosovo, Austria, Ireland and not only: the Pentagon named 5 new countries participating in the anti-Kremlin coalition

24 May 2022, 08:50 | Policy
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The latest meeting of the Contact Group on Assistance to Ukraine, organized against the backdrop of a meeting of dozens of representatives of defense ministries in Ranstein, Germany, was attended by five more countries. The accession of Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Ireland and Kosovo was announced by Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin.

“Many countries are providing critically needed artillery ammunition, coastal defense systems, tanks and other armored vehicles.. Others made new commitments to train the Ukrainian armed forces and support their military systems,” Austin spoke about assistance to Ukraine from the 40 countries participating in the meeting in Germany..

Among others, he specifically noted:.

Denmark, which will provide a harpoon launcher and rockets to protect the coast;

Czech Republic for the recent donation of attack helicopters, tanks and missile systems.

Italy, Greece, Norway and Poland yesterday announced new deliveries of artillery systems and ammunition.

The head of the Pentagon mentioned the UK for coordinating security assistance and a significant amount of British equipment that continues to flow to Ukraine..

Yesterday we reported that next week Zelensky will continue to address representatives of different countries. And the next meeting on military assistance to Ukraine will be held at the Ramstein military base in Germany.

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