NATO will not participate in Russia's war against Ukraine - Stoltenberg

07 May 2022, 13:59 | Policy
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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO will not participate in the Russian war against Ukraine. However, according to him, the Alliance will provide massive support to Ukraine..

" This is why we are not sending NATO troops to Ukraine. We support the country en masse, but NATO is intentionally not part of the war,"

According to the Secretary General, the Alliance must always be ready for a large-scale war..

NATO increases military presence and protection of the eastern flank.

" Moscow must understand that an attack on a NATO country will be an attack on all 30 member states,"

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In the coming weeks, Ukraine needs to be ready for a tougher offensive by the occupying forces of the Russian Federation, says NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

NATO Secretary General warned that it is necessary to prepare for a long war in Ukraine, which, in his opinion, could drag on for months or even years.

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