For the first time, a black LGBT representative will become the new White House press secretary

07 May 2022, 12:28 | Policy
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Karine Jean-Pierre, 44, named new White House press secretary. In this post, at the end of next week, she will replace Jen Psaki, who has been working there since 2020, BBC reports..

Jean-Pierre becomes the first black woman and LGBTQIA spokeswoman for the US presidential administration. Prior to that, she worked as the first deputy of Psaki. More than 20 years of her career are associated with the US Democratic Party.

She also served as one of the directors of policy in the administration of Barack Obama..

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The Joe Biden administration actively supports black women in their right to hold important positions. These women include Vice President Kamala Harris, newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson, Director of the Domestic Policy Council Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, and several other important politicians and judges..

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