G7 leaders to meet with Zelensky by May 9

07 May 2022, 12:12 | Policy
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On the eve of May 9, the leaders of the G7 countries, which includes the US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Canada and Italy, will meet in solidarity with Ukraine. The latest events of the Russian-Ukrainian war and collective efforts to support the country are on the agenda. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will virtually take part in the meeting, reports The Guardian, citing the White House..

The talks of the leaders of the "

During the meeting, issues of sanctions will probably be discussed: the introduction of additional restrictions on Russian oligarchs and companies, as well as preventing the possibility of evading them.

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The date of the meeting was also not chosen by chance - on the eve of May 9, Victory Day, which is celebrated on a grand scale in Russia.

Putin intends to traditionally address Russian citizens on the occasion of the celebration of the victory in World War II. It is likely that his speech may sound dangerous signals for the world..

Earlier, the President of Ukraine invited German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to visit Ukraine on May 9.

However, no mass measures are planned in the country for this, the National Security and Defense Council warns of possible massive shelling of the entire territory of Ukraine on May 8-9.

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