Ukraine and EU discuss sanctions against Russia and evacuation from Mariupol

02 May 2022, 00:15 | Policy
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Heads of diplomacy of Ukraine and the European Union discussed the next round of EU sanctions against Russia. This should include an oil embargo.. Dmitry Kuleba and Josep Borrell also discussed the evacuation of people from the besieged Mariupol.

" I also stressed that there can be no alternative to granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate. We paid special attention to the further safe evacuation from the besieged Mariupol. "

I with @JosepBorrellF on the next round of EU sanctions on Russia which spoke must include an oil embargo. I also emphasized there can be no alternative to granting Ukraine EU candidate status. We paid separate attention to further safe evacuation from besieged Mariupol.

— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) May 1, 2022.

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According to preliminary data, there are about a thousand Mariupol civilians, including about 60 children, in the bomb shelters of the Azovstal plant.. Also there are several hundred wounded Ukrainian soldiers..

Recall, on April 26, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The main topics of the conversation, which lasted about an hour, were " As a result, Putin " True, the next day the Kremlin stated that the Russian Federation did not give final consent to the evacuation of Ukrainians from the Azovstal plant..

Subsequently, during a visit to Kyiv, Guteris called the negotiations on the evacuation from Mariupol very difficult..

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