Official: Emmanuel Macron re-elected for a second term

25 April 2022, 09:31 | Policy
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100% of votes counted in France. According to the official information of the Ministry of the Interior, Emmanuel Macron won with an advantage of more than 17%..

Votes were divided as follows:.

Emmanuel Macron - 58.54%, that is, 18.7 million voters voted for him;

Marine Le Pen - 41.46%, which is 13.2 million votes of French citizens.

The current French president has been re-elected for a second term..

The result of the elections is not unexpected, on the eve of the second round, opinion polls showed an increase in support for Macron.

However, after the results of the exit poll were announced, after the second round of the presidential race, riots broke out in France.. Unfortunately, there are victims.

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