Putin says armed conflicts and bloodshed are not Russia's choice

22 December 2021, 09:19 | Policy
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Russian President Vladimir Putin continued to increase the degree of tension between the Russian Federation and the Western countries, stating that Russia, in response to the " Putin spoke about this at the final Collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the transcript of the meeting was published by the Kremlin website.

The Russian dictator again used aggressive rhetoric against Ukraine, threatening the West with another “adequate measures” from Russia in the event of NATO expansion to the east.

“If the infrastructure moves on, if the US and NATO missile systems appear in Ukraine, then their flight time to Moscow will be reduced to seven to ten minutes, and with the deployment of hypersonic weapons - to five. Of course, if the obviously aggressive line of our Western colleagues continues, we will take adequate retaliatory military-technical measures, and react toughly to unfriendly steps..

And, I want to emphasize, we have every right to do so, "

At the end of the topic, the master of the Kremlin uttered a thesis, which was at one time graphically illustrated by Ichkeria, Transnistria, South Ossetia, the Ukrainian Crimea and Donbass.

“Armed conflicts, bloodshed are absolutely not our choice, we do not want such a development of events. We want to resolve issues by political and diplomatic means ”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin decided that when the United States has hypersonic weapons, Washington will "

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia will view further NATO expansion as crossing the "

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