The project "PolitStartap" "United Russia" was successful

14 September 2018, 14:37 | Policy
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The project "PolitStartap" can be considered a successful and successful. This is evidenced by the results of the United Voting Day, held in Russia on September 9. Every sixth young United Russia became the winner of the elections, coordinator of the "United Russia" in the direction of "Youth Policy", State Duma deputy Alain Arshinov. "Every sixth young candidate - a member of" PoliticalStartap "- became a deputy," she said.. As a whole, according to her, 81 Legislative deputies from among the participants in the draft EP were elected to the Legislative Assembly and Administrative Centers. This is 10% of the total number of mandates received by United Russia on September 9. By the same results, it is possible to judge which regions are working more actively with young people. For example, at the level of legislative assemblies, the largest number of deputies was elected in the Republic of Bashkortostan - 9 people. "The region was the absolute leader in the number of participants in the project" PolitStartap "- 257 people. In this region, the party received almost 60% of the vote with a turnout of over 49%, "- said Arshinova. Good results were shown by the Belgorod region - 9 people were elected to administrative centers. In the Volgograd region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - seven. Active development of the project "PolitStartap" provided good results for the ER in the Rostov region. There, the party received almost 60% of the vote with a turnout of more than 45%. Even higher figures in the Kemerovo region: there at the EP more than 64.4% of the vote with the appearance of more than 65% of voters. But there, where youth were not given due attention, the results of the Single voting day are not encouraging. "We saw that the regions that showed low activity when working with young people received low results. First of all, this concerns the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Khakassia, "Arshinova said..

Thus, "PolitStartap", which worked in the pilot mode, it was decided to continue in 2019. "The results of the EDG showed that voters want to see new, young people in politics. Those regions that showed activity and helped the beginning politicians, as a result, showed better results, "Arshinova summed up and expressed her hope that in the new electoral cycle, the offices of the EP in the regions will be more actively involved in the project and will involve more initiative young people.

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