The agreement on the Caspian Sea did not take into account the interests of the United States

14 September 2018, 11:29 | Policy
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Washington's efforts to prevent the conclusion of an agreement on the status of the Caspian Sea in its present form have failed. This was told by Ambassador at Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Igor Bratchikov. He acknowledged that the talks lasted so long, including because "interest in the Caspian Sea was shown by countries that are far enough from this region," even on other continents. The most active process was the United States. They did not leave any hope of influencing the negotiations for the last 20 years, intervened "up to the last moment," Bratchikov said in an interview with "Kommersant". However, the historic event took place:

on August 12, the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran signed a document according to which the water part of the Caspian Sea, in addition to the coastal zones, remains in common use, and the bottom and extraction of resources are divided on the basis of bilateral agreements between neighboring states. At the same time, the ban on the appearance in the waters of the military forces of any other countries except the parties to the agreement. The Convention on the status of the Caspian Sea has yet to be ratified in the signatory countries.

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