In Germany, recognized Crimea as Russian

16 August 2018, 10:38 | Policy
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The 3Sat channel showed on the air a map of Russia, on which the peninsula was painted in the same color as the whole country. Personnel with the Russian Crimea entered the documentary "Sibirien total" ("Solid Siberia"), which premiered on one of the largest German-language TV channels of the European Union on August 15, reports EADaily.. The authors of the tape were the German documentary filmmaker Dave D. Lanes and the Moscow correspondent of Swiss TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen Christoph Franzen.

The auditorium of the German-Austro-Swiss television channel is approximately 120 million households, 3Sat was created specifically to broadcast cultural programs. As for the film itself, in its announcement it is reported that journalists showed their "fascinating, exhausting journey through the absolute desert and with an uncertain result". Unfortunately, the film is not available to Russian users of the Network - the copyright holder limited its viewing. Officially, the European Union does not recognize the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, which occurred in March 2014 after a referendum on the peninsula.

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