Zakharova revealed the truth about US sanctions

11 August 2018, 12:08 | Policy
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Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova told why the United States is imposing new sanctions. She stated this during her visit to Serbia. According to her, Washington is losing resources for the development of the country, so they need an external enemy. "These resources are no more, and we need more and more, we need real expansion, political, financial, economic, which we all observe," RIA Novosti quotes it.. Zakharova noted that the Americans actually declared a trade war to the whole world. The US relations with the PRC, Iran and even the EU have become very tense.

At the same time she stressed that Moscow does not intend to tolerate such an attitude of Washington and will respond with no less stringent measures. "We said that, unfortunately, we were forced again, instead of inventing how to improve and withdraw relations from the impasse, respond in a mirror manner," she added.. Recall that on August 8, Washington introduced the first package of sanctions against Moscow. The cause was allegedly the poisoning of the Violins in Salisbury. Russia is preparing a response.

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