In the Greek fires blamed Russia

25 July 2018, 16:29 | Policy
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The terrible forest fires that have engulfed Greece in recent days have become an occasion for further attacks on Russia from Ukraine. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Vitaly Chepinoga, a member of Vitaly Klitschko's "Udar" party, made a loud statement: they say that Moscow sent a mortal danger to the Greeks as revenge for a diplomatic scandal. "Greece has expelled several Russian FSB agents, disguised as diplomats. The Kremlin promised an answer. A week later, Greece caught fire from several sides. It would seem, and here? And the fact is that modern Russia is capable of everything. There are no brakes and moral warnings. They can undermine someone, poison someone, set fire to something. This state has such a foreign policy, "- wrote Chepinoga in Facebook.

These words shocked even Ukrainians. "No, friends, you have no moral barriers. And there is still no reason and conscience - only the desire to raise more haypas on human blood, "- quotes RIA FAN commentary by the Kiev journalist Andrei Manchuk. Let's remind, the fire covered the suburbs of Athens a few days ago.

Hot weather and strong wind prevent firefighters from coping with the elements. More than 80 people became victims, several hundred lost their homes and all property.

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