US senators want to cover Russia's national debt sanctions

25 July 2018, 00:39 | Policy
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In the near future a new bill will be submitted to the US Senate providing for the introduction of additional restrictive measures against the Russian Federation.

The document is diligently worked by influential senators from the Republican and Democratic parties Lindsey Graham and Bob Menendez. The latter wrote today a special appeal on its official page. "We are fully committed to ensuring that the congress continues to play an active role in opposing Russian aggression and to ensure that the executive takes the necessary steps to protect the US and our allies. That is why we will submit a comprehensive bill in the coming days to make sure that sanctions under the law "On Countering the Enemies of America through Sanctions" (CAATSA) are working, "the message says.. "Just as Vladimir Putin has made clear his intention to challenge US power, influence and security interests at home and abroad, the United States must make it clear that we will defend our nation, and not hesitate in our rejection of its efforts to undermining Western democracy as a strategic imperative for the future of Russia, "the statement says.. According to the plan of legislators, a new package of sanctions will concern "the energy and financial sectors".

The Americans plan to "strengthen the impact on Russian oligarchs and companies with the participation of the state capital" and "impose sanctions on Russia's sovereign debt". They also intend to sanction our cybercriminals, to create a national center for responding to Russian threats. Among other items: intensify efforts to counter disinformation and hybrid threats from the Russian Federation; to give the right only to the Senate to decide the issue of the US withdrawal from NATO; Establish a Coordinator for Sanctions in the State Department. The fact that such a document is being prepared becomes known the day before.

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