Duma to support agriculture

25 July 2018, 00:22 | Policy
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The State Duma approved the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture to support agricultural producers. Because of the increase in gasoline prices, rural workers will receive an additional 5 billion rubles. compensation from the reserve fund. According to First Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov, these funds will be additionally allocated to the state program for the development of agriculture. The chairman of the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, noted that such decisions are taken at the tripartite commission of the government. He added that the instruction to increase subsidies was given to the Ministry of Agriculture Vladimir Putin. Each region will receive support per hectare, depending on the cultivated areas, according to the website of the State Duma.

The head of the Duma committee on agrarian issues, Vladimir Kashin, noted that in the first 6 months of 2018, agricultural producers' losses due to rising fuel prices amounted to 12 billion rubles. Currently, MPs are preparing to meet with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to discuss the allocation of funds in the amount of 5 billion. In Russia, from May to January this year, gasoline has risen by almost 7%, it is several times higher than the inflation rate. Since June 1, the Cabinet decided to reduce excises for gasoline and diesel fuel by 3 thousand and 2 thousand rubles per ton, respectively. This step slowed the rise in fuel prices.

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