Lithuania refused to be in the "Trump-Putin menu"

18 July 2018, 00:57 | Policy
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In the relations between Moscow and Washington, a third entity. They will be Lithuania, which is going to propose a new agenda for the countries-leaders, I am sure the deputy of the Seimas from the party "Union of the Fatherland - Christian Democrats of Lithuania" Zhigimantas Pavilionis. The politician proposes to restructure the dialogue so that Lithuania does not become "part of the Trump-Putin menu". "We should bravely even brazenly sit down at the table and offer menus - not only about decisions in our region, but also in Russia itself, whose democracy the West sacrificed to Putin eighteen years ago," he wrote in Facebook.

At the same time, the deputy takes care of the interests not only of his country. He is going to protect and the inhabitants of Russia, as well as Ukrainians, Georgians, Moldovans and Belarusians. In his opinion, "they must choose the alliance to which they want to belong". The reason for this statement was that Trump, at a meeting with the Russian leader, did not mention the "occupation" of Ukraine, which caused the termination of the dialogue with Moscow, writes the edition of DELFI.

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