Russian diplomats were indignant at the issuance of information about the Violins

18 July 2018, 00:14 | Policy
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The Russian embassy in London demanded from Britain that it be explained that information about the investigation of the so-called "Fiddle case" was admitted by representatives of other countries. The New York Times newspaper published an article in which referring to the information received from the "former US official familiar with the investigation", accused GRU officials of involvement in the incident. The diplomats noted that for four months "the Russian side through the official diplomatic channels can not obtain from the British data on the progress of the investigation and the connection to it of our experts". At the same time, to the closed and "extremely sensitive" information, access is granted to people who do not have the authority or reason to do so, the statement says on the website of the embassy. Russian diplomats reminded that this is not the first such statement.

They said that former investigators had previously been told by "former Soviet scientist Vladimir Uglev, who allegedly created the" Beginner ", and former commander of the chemical protection regiment of the British armed forces Hamish de Bretton-Gordon". The diplomatic mission sent "another official note with a demand to confirm or deny the possible transfer of information about the progress of the investigation into the incident in Salisbury to the US, other allies or private individuals," but noted that the response was never received with respect to Uglev and Bretton Gordon.

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