Builders of the Crimean bridge came under investigation

04 May 2018, 18:13 | Policy
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The ferry across the Kerch Strait served as the reason for another unpleasant history. Under investigation were seven construction companies in the Netherlands. This fact today, May 4, confirmed the Prosecutor General's Office of the country. These organizations are accused of violating the EU sanctions, because they participated in the process of erecting a bridge from Russia to the Crimea, which Nezalezhnaya and a number of Western countries still consider the annexed Ukrainian peninsula. According to the agency, the firms provided special devices for driving the piles of the ferry, Deutsche Welle. Earlier it was said only about two companies that fell into disrepair due to the construction of the Crimean bridge. Now they were joined by five more.

Ultimately, under suspicion of the prosecutor's office in The Hague, there are seven firms. Recall, "Our Crimea" since 2014. The accession of the peninsula to Russia occurred on the basis of a referendum in which the majority of the residents supported this decision. The Ukrainian authorities consider this step to be "annexation". The United States and the European Union imposed sanctions that affected a number of Russians and Russian companies. By the way, President Putin said that the question of belonging to the Crimea is closed.

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