Yanukovych was shot in Ukraine

04 May 2018, 16:22 | Policy
photo YTPO.ru
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At a court hearing on May 4, ex-head of the special protection unit of the former president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, Dmitry Ivantsov, said that in February 2014, an attack was launched on the presidential cortege on the way to Kharkov. "During our movement, the speed was small, we were opened fire ... there were a lot of shots, three cars were damaged", - quotes Ivantsov RIA "Novosti". He added that the incident occurred on the border of the Cherkasy and Poltava regions. Earlier, Yanukovych said that on his way from Kiev to Kharkov in 2014, his car was fired from pneumatic weapons. Lawyers for the former head of Ukraine said that investigative authorities in June 2015 began to investigate the attempt on the ex-president, but the Pechersk District Court of Kiev refused to oblige the General Prosecutor's Office to recognize Yanukovych as a victim in this case.

According to Ivantsov, the ex-President's tuples and his security were encroached several times, therefore Yanukovich's routes were constantly changing, and official cars with flashing lights were often not used and after 3 to 4 days they were changed. In addition, the ex-president was constantly threatened, said the former chief of his guard. At the end of June 2017, the court began to consider the case of Yanukovych, who is accused of high treason. The prosecutor's office intends to demand life imprisonment for the former Ukrainian president. Yanukovych himself categorically denies his guilt.

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