Union of Russia with China will not be

04 May 2018, 13:16 | Policy
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Moscow and Beijing often look like like-minded people in the international arena: they share similar positions on a number of issues, come up with common initiatives in global and regional affairs. However, this does not mean absolute unity. Therefore, Russia does not and does not even plan to create any alliances with China. This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov. "This does not correspond to our common vision of the nature of bilateral interaction based on the coincidence or proximity of views on a wide range of issues," the diplomat explained in the Izvestia newspaper,.

He noted that China "strictly adheres to the line of non-alignment with any blocs". In addition, Moscow and Beijing have their own economic interests, which are sometimes completely opposite. "In some cases, there is competition, and direct, between the economic operators of the two countries," - said Morgulov.

However, the Russian side does not worry about this: the main thing is not that interests do not coincide, but how to get out of such situations, the diplomat stressed.. "China in recent years is actively promoting its international infrastructure project called" One belt, one way ". And here we also found an opportunity, on the basis of the available points of contact, to direct it towards the interface with our own project of building the Eurasian Economic Union, "he cited the example of Morgulov.

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