"Novice" did in the Czech Republic

04 May 2018, 10:29 | Policy
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The nerve-paralytic poisoning agent A-230 was produced by the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense in Brno. It was in 2017. , And then the poison of the "Novice" family was destroyed, said Czech President Milos Zeman, referring to the report of military intelligence. But with the classification of toxin a problem arose, he said. According to the Czech president, military intelligence documents claimed that A-230 was completely analogous to the Novice agent, and this was denied in the report of the Security and Information Service, the Civilian Counterintelligence Service (SBI). "Since military intelligence is closer to this topic than civilian counterintelligence, I concluded: we had a small number of manufactured and tested" Novice ", and then destroyed. We know where, and we know when, "- added Zeman. The report of the Czech president is a powerful blow to the version of London about Russia's involvement in the poisoning of former GRU employee Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia in the English city of Salisbury, Russian senator Alexei Pushkov said.. "It's like that!" Beginner "was produced and stored in the Czech Republic - in" small quantities ". London is confused: the whole construction is collapsing, "he concluded.. Earlier, on Zeman's instructions, the SBI prepared a report on whether a substance was being produced in the country that could be used against former Colonel GRU Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia. Unlike the government of the Czech Republic, the president of the country did not support the UK accusations against Russia on the incident in Salisbury. He said that London did not provide even indirect evidence of this.

Before that, Moscow reported that after the destruction of chemical weapons in Russia, Czech specialists continued to develop poisonous substances. In Prague, these statements were called speculative, like RT. Ex-Colonel GRU Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia found unconscious in the city of Salisbury on March 4. In Britain they claim that they were poisoned with a substance developed within the framework of the Soviet program "Novice", and Moscow has a direct relationship to what happened.

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