Zakharova accused Mei of deception

04 May 2018, 10:00 | Policy
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The British government in the case of poisoning Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia deceived the public three times. With this statement on its page, the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to the diplomat, the first deception of the Government of Therese May that the country of manufacture of the poisonous substance, from which the Scrapali was injured, was denied by the head of the British laboratory in Porton Down. The statement by the British government that Russia allegedly has a motive for poisoning a former GRU officer in connection with the historically formed "bad behavior of our country" was rejected by Moscow, citing facts of London's regular violation of the principles of international law. In addition, the provocation with the Fiddles is more beneficial to Britain, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"The third lie of the government of Therese May that" Novice "was allegedly produced only in Russia, today denied the President of the Czech Republic," the diplomat recalled.. Milosh Zeman said that the chemical "Novice" was produced in the Czech Republic. "So it will be with all the rest of London lies," Zakharova promised.. Former Colonel GRU Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia were found on March 4 with signs of poisoning in the English city of Salisbury, recalls RIA FAN. The government of Prime Minister Theresa May immediately blamed the incident on Russia. Moscow categorically denies these charges.

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