Government Kuyvasheva ordered fifty Finnish knives

13 February 2018, 11:01 | Policy
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Government of Sverdlovsk region has announced an auction for the supply of 50 Finnish souvenir knives for holding protocol events. The total value of the contract is 554 thousand 166 rubles. One knife will cost 11 thousand 83 rubles. The data are published on the website of state purchases.

The total length of the knife should be 275 mm, the length of the blade - 140 mm.

The blade, decorated with partial gilding, is made of forged stainless laminated Damascus steel. On the front side of the vignette will place the image of the region's coat of arms and the inscription: "From the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region".

The handle will be hornbeam. For convenience, it will be applied a special deepened mesh. The handle of the handle is made in the form of a bird's beak. Each knife is packed in a special case. Applications from companies wishing to make souvenir products will be accepted until February 20.

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