In the kindergarten Asbestos found agitation for Putin

13 February 2018, 08:57 | Policy
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In Asbest after the scandal with the election campaign in kindergarten No. 29 removed the sticker "For Putin". About this JustMedia. ru reported in preschool.

According to the deputy of the City Duma from the Communist Party Natalia Krylova, the sticker on the door inside the garden complained to the parents. The preschool institution specified that they do not know who posted the circle with an inscription calling for voting for a self-nominated and acting president of the Russian Federation.

"Now it's gone.

As appeared, we almost immediately took it off. Cleaned this morning. Who stuck, we do not know. Most likely parents, so we have a throughput system here, "- told the JustMedia correspondent. ru the employee of a kindergarten.

Natalia Krylova said that the local headquarters of the candidate from the Communist Party Pavel Grudinin is going to write a complaint about this in the regional Electoral Commission. The presidential election will be held on March 18, 2018.

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