Deputies of the YeGD again write a letter to Shoigu. The City Hall wants to get into the municipal property the school of the Mi

15 November 2017, 01:15 | Policy
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The Yekaterinburg City Duma wrote a regular letter to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Deputies are asked to transfer to the municipal property departmental school number 84, which is located in 19 military campus.

"The school in an emergency condition, it had a roof this summer," said JustMedia. ru Chairman of the Commission for the Development of Education of Yegorov Daryagin. - We repeatedly appealed to the headquarters of the Central Military District with a request to carry out repairs, but we were told that there was no money. This year there was an order not to open the school (September 1 -. red. Realizing that in schools and so few places to accept additional children, from the reserve fund of the governor was allocated 1.5 million rubles. Did cosmetic repairs, repaired the roof, as a result of Rospotrebnadzor signed acts ".

If the Ministry of Defense transfers the school to the balance of the municipality, it will be necessary to survey the land plot, transfer the fence, carry out technical expertise, make project documentation, forecast the socio-economic development of the microdistrict (to understand how the number of schoolchildren will change in the near future). According to preliminary estimates, the reconstruction requires 700 million rubles. Demolition of the old school building and construction of a new one would cost 1 billion rubles.

Deputies supported the appeal without any amendments. In the near future it will be sent to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

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