Ankara spit on joining the EU

12 July 2017, 13:59 | Policy
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Ankara does not really want to join the ranks of the European Union. If the Turks are given a turn from the gate, they will breathe a sigh of relief. Such a statement in an interview with the BBC made the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Protracted negotiations on cooperation with the EU Turkish leader considers it a waste of time and energy. "Now we are not only not invited to the summits of EU leaders, but they are wasting time in vain. This is the real state of affairs ... If the EU is told that they will not accept Turkey as their member, we will breathe a sigh of relief and begin implementing alternative plans. The EU is not indispensable for us, "the politician noted..

Erdogan is sure that most of his fellow citizens oppose the country's accession to the European Union, since in this case the country will face new problems. In addition, the Turks are offended by the Europeans because they treat them "insincerely". However, to tear relations with Europe Ankara does not intend to. The President of Turkey promised to maintain close ties with the EU and follow developments.

The reason for such statements was the resolution adopted by the European Parliament last Thursday, July 6, which calls on the EU countries and the European Commission to immediately suspend negotiations with Ankara on Turkey's accession to the EU unless the authorities make proper changes to the constitutional reform.

Relations between Ankara and Brussels deteriorated after the coup attempt in Turkey last July. Retaining power after the mutiny, Erdogan held massive layoffs and arrests among judges, military, police and other civil servants. After that, at the initiative of the president, a referendum on constitutional reform was held in the country, which approved the transfer of the fullness of state power to Erdogan. All this led to a sharp deterioration in relations between Turkey and the EU.

The agreement on association with the EU Turkey signed in 1963. In 1987. The country applied for membership in the union. Negotiations on accession began in 2005. They were repeatedly suspended because of disagreements between the parties. 16 out of 35 chapters of the negotiating dossier are now open. Last March, Brussels intensified negotiations in exchange for Turkey's consent to help reduce the flow of migrants to Europe, but after the failure of the armed insurrection and constitutional reform, the EU suspended preparation for the opening of new chapters of the negotiating dossier.

In recent months Erdogan regularly makes angry statements about Brussels. In April, he explained the reluctance of European officials to see Turkey in their ranks for religious reasons. "The reason is quite clear: the EU is a Christian union," the politician said..

In May, Erdogan threatened to say goodbye forever to the European Union. "If they (the European officials) do not do this, then goodbye. Turkey is not a slave who waits at the door. If the items (the negotiation dossier) are open, then we sit down and talk.

Otherwise, there is nothing to talk about, "- said the president, speaking to his supporters.

Later, the politician rebuked Europeans in duplicity. "We will not tolerate the duplicity of the EU, which shows disrespect for Turkey and its people. Either the European Union will fulfill its promises and approve the liberalization of the visa regime with Turkey, send the promised funds to support refugees and eliminate obstacles in the negotiations on the accession of our country to the EU, or everyone will go their own way, "Erdogan said..

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