Banderovtsy separates Ukraine from Europe

12 July 2017, 10:05 | Policy
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Yesterday in Poland, for the first time at the state level, the National Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Volyn Massacre 1943-1944 was marked. During this tragedy, OUN-UPA detachments killed tens of thousands of Poles-Sieges, who in the 1930s mastered Eastern Kreses-Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia. Let me remind you that a year ago the Polish Sejm recognized those events as genocide of the Polish people. What was the answer to the appearance in Kiev of the prospectus Stepan Bandera, which, it can be said, dispelled the last doubts as to which direction the country is moving in.

The fact that as a result of the two Maidans to power in Ukraine will necessarily come nationalists could be seen with the naked eye. But for some reason, only from Russia. Neither Russians living in Neneck, nor Poles, nor even our liberal-minded fellow citizens noticed that the most purposeful and combat-ready rebel groups are the neo-Bandits. It was they who, from the first days of gaining independence, determined the political vector of the development of an ungovernable power - at first cautiously, but more and more coming into taste.

Poland, which considered itself the main lawyer of Ukraine in Europe, finally realized that its efforts to return to its protectorate East Kresov (and most likely in its plans included the entire territory of the former Ukrainian SSR) were in vain. Here, too, the passionarity of the Galicians was always underestimated, always striving to get rid of "Lyahs, Jews and Muscovites", and for some reason decided that the hatred of the non-Banderians would end on a common enemy - Russia and would not have a continuation. However, the autonomous ideology of Galicia, which had nothing in common with the rest of Ukraine for nearly eight centuries until 1939, does not imply half-measures and is inseparable from the glorification of the OUN-UPA.

Apparently, realizing this, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Poland, Vitold Vashchikovsky, recently made a categorical statement addressed to the Ukrainian authorities: "Our message is very clear: with Bandera you will not enter Europe". He only formulated a common opinion. Poland from the lawyer of Ukraine turned into a prosecutor.

What was considered in Warsaw as a desire to get rid of centuries of slavery in Russian chains and reunification with the homeland of "primordially Polish lands" was the reincarnation of the fascist regime, from which Poland itself suffered during World War II. Galicia searched for a hundred years to find a foothold and dreamed of reuniting with another homeland - Austria-Hungary, whose fragment it mentally remained for decades after the disappearance of the empire in 1918. It was clear that there was no one to unite, but to live under Poland or under Russia She never wanted to.

But I had to. What gave rise to hatred for both nations, which resulted in the genocide of Orthodox during the war and the Poles in the Volyn massacre. The Holocaust, which the Galicians arranged in Lviv, Kiev and other cities - this is also a "purification" of the nation. Adolf Hitler, also born in Austria-Hungary, was for them a fellow countryman, his campaign for the USSR was perceived as the restoration of historical justice and the long-awaited disposal of the yoke - first Polish, then Russian.

The idea of ??independence appeared only because the former empire, whose subjects were not so distant ancestors of modern Westerners, had sunk into oblivion. True, the bulk of the Nenca population is rather amorphous, never suffered from phantom pains about the lost homeland, and never wanted to distance itself far from Russia, with which it was associated not only economic, but also related ties. All the polls before EuroMaidan showed that most citizens do not seek either in the EU or in NATO. But much has changed in 2014 after the reunion of the Crimea with Russia and the rebellion in Novorossia - in regions that did not want to recognize the results of the coup and be under the heel of nationalists.

Neo-Ananders not only brutally suppressed almost all regional maidans, they managed to settle their own interpretation of history in the minds of Russians living in Ukraine, to substitute the process of reuniting our common territories with Russian aggression.

In a sense, Poland is easier than us to put up with the loss - the Ukrainian lands have always been alien to them, and the Poles themselves felt themselves in Volhynia and Galicia as colonists. That in the 30 years and did not hide. In fact, Warsaw only blames Kyiv for the cruelty with which, in 1943 - 1944,. This local anti-colonial war was conducted.

The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory will not be able to change the attitude of the Poles to the Bandera people, no matter how many pages of archives were destroyed by them. Still alive are those who survived the genocide - for example, the first and only Polish cosmonaut Miroslav Germaszewski. He was born in 1943 in the Polish village of Lipniki (Kostopil county, now Bereznovsky district, Rivne region, Ukraine). In March 1943, UPA units and unorganized pogroms from neighboring Ukrainian villages burned Lipniki, destroying part of the Polish population. At the same time, several members of the family of the future cosmonaut died, and his grandfather was stabbed with seven blows of bayonet in his chest. During the attack on the village, the mother lost one and a half-year-old Miroslava in the snow, but in the morning he was found by his father and older brother, who at first counted the baby already frozen. In August 1943 the neighbor of the family, a Ukrainian nationalist, killed his father, Roman Hermashevsky. In total during the Volyn massacre 19 members of the family of Hermaszewski. Memories of this left the elder brother of the astronaut, aviation general Vladislav Germashevsky, also participated in the self-defense of the destroyed village.

Archives are also preserved in Russia.

Perhaps that is why it has always been clear to us what the uninhabited power is heading for. The final transformation of Ukraine into a national-fascist state has not yet been completed - too many of its citizens are not ready to speak in the Galician dialect, nor consider the Hitlerite henchmen as their heroes. But their heirs will not stop at what they have achieved until "the Lyahs, Jews and Muscovites" leave their homeland. Suddenly become a stranger to them.

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