People's deputies from "Self-help" changed their mind about starving under the AP

24 June 2017, 16:42 | Policy
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People's deputies from "Self-help" Oleg Berezyuk and Taras Pastukh stop hunger strike under the Presidential Administration.

Berezyuk announced this at a briefing,.

"We will need more Lviv, who tomorrow is going to the Veche. Because Lviv today must say its word. Here, by and large, there is nobody to talk about, "the head of the faction.

The head of the Samopomich party, Lviv Mayor Andrei Sadovy thanked Berezyuk, Shepherd and Oksana Syroid, who was hospitalized on Saturday, for their "courageous act".

As reported by the "Observer", Oleg Berezyuk went on a hunger strike on Monday, June 19, as a protest against the situation with garbage in Lviv.

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