Turchinov announced new rules for the entry of Russians into Ukraine

24 June 2017, 16:36 | Policy
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Russians will start to pass to Ukraine only on biometric passports, while simultaneously removing control biometrics at the border.

This was stated by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov, Radio Liberty reports..

"Border guards while expecting technical details so that while the government is determined with the introduction of a visa regime for Russian citizens, provide a pass on biometric passports, and when crossing the border to take from Russians the identification signs: either fingerprints or scan of the retina," said Turchynov.

The NSDC Secretary expressed his hope that the government will financially support this work, which should give results within a month. However, the precise terms for the introduction of new rules of entry Turchinov did not name.

As reported by the "Observer", the Kremlin said that they will respond by mirror measures to the visa regime.

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Based on materials: radiosvoboda.org

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