"Our Territory" urged the government to withdraw the medreform because of violations of the Constitution

07 June 2017, 14:59 | Policy
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The government is obliged to stop the liquidation of free medicine and immediately withdraw the bills of medical reform that violate the Constitution of Ukraine. This was stated by the People's Deputy from "Our Territory" Sergei Shakhov.

According to him, medical reform from the government encroaches on the free of charge constitution guaranteed by the Constitution.

"The main goal of the government bill is to abolish the requirements of the. 49 of the Constitution of Ukraine on free medical care, which automatically transforms social medical reform into business reform. After the implementation of the reform from Ulyana Suprun, the role of the state will reduce to a partial coverage of the costs of patient treatment in hospitals of any type of property. The rest will be paid by the patient from his pocket. The bill should be immediately withdrawn, and not voted in the Verkhovna Rada, "said Sergei Shakhov.

He is sure that the inclusion of bills on medical reform on the agenda of the parliament testifies to the willingness of the authorities to violate the Constitution and introduce paid medicine.

"The authorities are ready to liquidate the state system of medical care and introduce paid medicine," said Sergey Shakhov.

He urged the authorities to immediately stop the process of eliminating free medicine and withdraw those bills of medical reform that violate the Constitution of Ukraine.

"Our Country" requires the government to withdraw the bills of medical reform and, together with experts and the public, to finalize them. Reform of the medical sphere should be carried out exclusively within the framework of the Constitution. No reform can take away from Ukrainians the right to quality, affordable and free medical care, "- concluded Sergei Shakhov.

As is known, yesterday the Verkhovna Rada included in the agenda the bill "On Financial Guarantees for the Provision of Medical Services and Medicines" (No. 6327).

In accordance with this law, the state guarantees full or partial payment in accordance with the tariff of coverage at the expense of the state budget of Ukraine provided to patients with the necessary medical services and medicines provided for by the state guaranteed package. Also, this law provides for the possibility to establish additional state financial guarantees for the provision of medical services and medicines.

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Based on materials: nashkray.org

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