Information on the dual citizenship of Nasirov was not confirmed

07 June 2017, 14:06 | Policy
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The Security Service of Ukraine and the State Migration Service do not have data on the presence of Roman Nasirov, head of the State Fiscal Service, with the citizenship of other countries.

According to the reply of the departments to Nasirov's lawyers who were given to the judges of the Solomensky court during the meeting on June 7, the "Censor".

The Romanian Public Prosecutor Roman Simkiv said that such issues are not within the competence of the Security Service and the Migration Service.

As reported by the "Observer", in March, the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Nazar Kholodnitsky stated that information about the presence of Hungarian citizenship in Roman Nasirov was not confirmed.

Earlier, Nasirov said that he was not a citizen of Great Britain and Hungary.

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