Kernes was re-elected president of the Association of City-Owners of the Prize of Europe

07 June 2017, 14:02 | Policy
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Kharkiv Mayor Gennady Kernes was reelected president of the Association of cities-holders of the prize of Europe. This is reported by the site of the Kharkiv City Council. Thus, Kharkiv will continue to head the Association in 2017-2018.

The decision to re-elect and extend the powers of Kharkov as the presiding city, and the mayor of Kharkiv - the president of this organization, was unanimously adopted on June 7, at the General Assembly of the Association of Cities-Owners of the Prize of Europe.

"On behalf of all Kharkiv citizens, I heartily thank the Association for your attention and recognition of our successes. Our Association is a bridge between cities in resolving critical issues - security, social security, migration, international law. Participation and leadership of Kharkiv in the Association is our contribution to the movement of Ukraine towards European values ??and the integration of our country into the family of European states, "Gennady Kernes said after the delegates of the Assembly.

It should be noted that Kharkiv is the only city in Ukraine that includes the Association of Cities-Owners of the Prize of Europe.

As reported, Gennady Kernes was elected the city head of Kharkov from the party "Renaissance".

Recall, in 2015, Gennady Kernes was elected to the post of president of the Association of cities-holders of the Prize of Europe. The charter of the organization allows you to occupy this position for two consecutive terms.

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