"Ukraine is not the same": Muzhdabaev told what awaits Russia in case of a new invasion

02 June 2017, 12:17 | Policy
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Russia already had a moment to check how the Ukrainians meet the guests with weapons, and if they try again, will once again see how Ukraine fights for its land.

This in an interview with Delfi told a journalist Aider Muzhdabaev.

According to him, there are no illusions and doubts in Ukraine about what Russia can do.

"You can say that it's hard economically, yes, it's hard. There are problems, corruption, yes - this is a post-Soviet country with a largely post-Soviet elite, but what is the consensus - Ukraine will be at war. It will not be a hike along the road with Russian flags, bread and salt.

I think that the Russian command and political leadership, despite all their madness, is aware of this. There will be a war such that no one will not seem a little, if someone moves further, "the journalist stressed..

"This is not the Ukraine that was unconscious when it was taken away from the Crimea and the Donbas. And this should be borne in mind by all who want to fight in Ukraine, "added Muzhdabaev.

Recall that earlier Muzhdabaev showed the "rotten interior" of Russian liberals.

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Based on materials: ru.delfi.lt

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