Do not be afraid of visas with Russia

02 June 2017, 12:10 | Policy
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The question of introducing visas must be considered from the point of view - and what will Ukraine get from this? And the most important question is how it will increase and what concrete advantages we will have.

Do not be afraid of visas, to date, the United States has tightened visas, they clearly understand that people are eager to get into their country, so they limit the undesirable element by tightening visa controls.

We must understand what Ukraine wants to achieve and clearly realize - and we will achieve this result or not. It is also important - it is a PR action or it is an action to protect the state. The most important question in this is why they began to talk about this only now. The most ideal option for the introduction of visas would be in 2014, when it was necessary. To date, as far as I understand, all the undesirable elements, still fall into Ukraine.

Here yesterday on Podol was committed a crime on Chechen patriots. Shooted an agent of Russia, who in February had a Ukrainian passport. At the same time he had an identification code, and his passport was also.

That is, it turns out that we need not only external visas, but also new controlling internal organs.

There are many questions and the main justification for these visas, so that pros and cons. Naturally, there should be more pluses.

This is the main marker for decision making. And if the decision is justified, then the Rada will vote. The hall now votes for everything that can somehow raise respect for parliament in society. The fact that such a decision will be popular is yes. How much it will be justified is the second question.

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