"Temporary nonsense in the era": a historian from the Russian Federation disclosed the recipe for the return of the Crimea

02 June 2017, 07:50 | Policy
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To return the annexed Crimea, Ukraine should be considered strategically.

This in an interview with the "Observer" said Russian historian, director and TV presenter Evgeny Ponasenkov.

"We need to think strategically. Do not rush at the embrasure without weapons. I am a historian and I understand that man as a microcosm is much more important than temporary nonsense in the age. Engage in your life, raise the economy, raise the culture. If you say that you have three times more pensions, then everyone will come to you, "Ponasenkov said..

According to him, no one in the twenty-first century is fighting for land.

"Now they are fighting for the market. Voters are a market. Therefore, technological, economic, infrastructural victories are needed - this is the basis of everything, "Ponasenkov summed up.

As reported by the "Observer", the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine named those responsible for the occupation of the Crimea.

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