US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: Ukraine was told how to use Trump's decision

02 June 2017, 01:20 | Policy
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Ukraine should use the refusal of US President Donald Trump to participate in the Paris climate agreements to prove himself to be a player on this field.

This was written by Volunteer, the coordinator of the Stop Terror project Semen Kabakaev on his Facebook page.

"Trump refused to participate in the Paris Climate Agreements. This will be a big shake-up for Europe and the world community. Trump tries to dominate and do it he will be alone, speaking for the whole country. The EU will now reconsider approaches to resolving strategic issues and for Ukraine this is a great chance to prove to be a player on this field, "Kabakaev said..

He expressed hope that Ukraine will have enough for this strength and wisdom.

Recall that in December 2015 at the UN World Conference on Climate in Paris adopted a global agreement, which was supported by 195 delegations from around the world.

Its main goal is to limit global warming on the planet by 2 degrees Celsius by 2100.

In April 2016 in New York, the signing ceremony of the Paris Agreement on Climate. The document was signed by representatives of 171 countries. The signing ceremony was called a historic moment.

As reported by the "Observer", on June 1, Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate.

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